Our Philosophy

First, we do website design, internet marketing and SEO for one reason: We love doing it because we think it matters.

It’s work we enjoy and care about, in particular because we can help small business people grow their revenue and customer base by doing a better job of capturing customers from the internet.

Specifically, we have two things we focus on:

  1. Being great at the basics, e.g. the blocking and tackling of SEO. In website design and internet marketing, that means following best practices, doing thorough research, looking for constant process improvement, measuring what we do and using that information to improve results and always strive for excellence
  2. Showing up every single day with our best effort. Each client deserves that, and that’s what professionals do.

It’s not complicated, but we think it’s the mantra that promises to deliver consistent value to our customers, and helps us feel like we make a difference.